First Daddy/Daughter Dance fundraiser a success

The studio gave its first Daddy/Daughter Dance fundraiser a whirl on December 7 and successfully raised $1079 for Dancers Against Cancer, a 501c organization that  provides financial assistance to dance educators, dancers and family members impacted by cancer.

Since 2014, DAC has raised over 2 million dollars in donations that directly benefit those in need.

Through the leadership and efforts of DDC  teacher Brooke Kotrla who helped organize the fundraiser, the studio was able to raise the necessary funds to be designated a Hope Studio for Dancers Against Cancer. 

Brooke is an ambassador for DAC since receiving assistance in 2017 for brain cancer surgery and treatment. 

Today, at 23, Brooke feels great and is happy to be alive. 

She is no longer in treatment, although she gets checked every three months. 

“Going through this made me realize how much I love dance and that I want to keep it part of my life.  I love teaching,” she said. 

There were 30 Daddy/Daughter couples who attended the dance and learned a box step from ballroom dance instructor Nicole Comer from Rhythm Inc. in Richmond.   

 Following the dance, the couples enjoyed the limbo and games, music, and food.

β€œIt was perfect!  Thank you all for a magical evening that neither father or daughter will forget,” commented Jennifer MacDonel.