Pre-pro trial workshop – Sunday May 23!

Find out what our Pre-Pro Program is all about!

We are offering a special Pre-Pro workshop on Sunday, May 23, 2021, for intermediate/advanced level dancers, ages 9-18, who have an interest in our nine month pre-professional training program.

The workshop offers classes by four of our six excellent instructors:
Ballet by Ms. Rio Lorenzo-Lasa
Modern by Ms. Dani Hammack
Contemporary by Ms. Olivia Morrow
Jazz by Mr. Jesus Acosta

Cost is $75 for the 3.5 hour workshop which includes 30 minutes for questions and answers.

Parents are permitted to watch through the viewing window and attend the Q&A session.

The Pre-Pro program is not connected to Dance Du Coeur’s competition team.

Ballet attire (black leo and pink tights) is required, although dancers may bring other clothes to change into for contemporary and jazz.

Enrollment for the Pre-Pro program is limited to 12 dancers. A $250 deposit is due by June 18, 2021 in order to hold your spot and ensure your commitment.

The program runs from August 23, 2021 through the first week of June and the hours are 12:30 or 1:00 (depending on the day) until 3 p.m. We encourage our Pre-Pro dancers to work privately as well so have waived the studio rental fee before 4 p.m. M-F.

To RSVP for the workshop, please email Dance du Coeur at