One Beat Competition Teams

“For students who are talented, serious, dedicated, and excited about dance, belonging to One Beat Company means getting a chance to develop their technique quickly and correctly through intense focus and practice.”
About Our Competition Teams
Dance Du Coeur’s Company, One Beat, is a competitive dance team for dancers age 5 and up. For students who are talented, serious, dedicated, and excited about dance, belonging to One Beat Company means getting a chance to develop their tech-nique quickly and correctly through intense focus and prac-tice. With that, their poise, sense of artistry, self confidence, and self discipline will also grow. Be-longing to Company also means working well with a team. Good sportsmanship, peer support, polite manners, integrity, and age-appropriate maturity are expected.
This positive attitude, combined with hard work and a significant investment of time, results in a strong bond between Company members. We think you will form genuine friend-ships here that will last a life-time. Additionally, you will de-velop a deep understanding of commitment and discipline that will prepare you for college and a future career, whether or not that involves dance.
Company members take dance classes and attend rehearsals 3 to 4 days a week with core classes in ballet, jazz (company tech-nique), tap and contemporary. One Beat petite, junior, teen and senior teams attend five or six competitions in the Spring, be-tween January and May, unless a collective decision is made for a team not to attend one. Mini company attends three competi-tions a year. Specific require-ments and costs are as follows:
Mini Company—Dancers age 5 and 6 (by January 1, 2024) who have taken at least one year of dance classes are eligible to audi-tion. Members take one ballet, one jazz, and one tap class, plus two 45 min rehearsals a week. Minis under age 6 can take one Ballet/Tap, one Ballet/Jazz, and one Intro to Hip Hop instead of the level 1 classes. Tuition is $205 a month and includes one elec-tive class except Aerial Silks.
Petite Company—Dancers age 7 through 9 (by January 1, 2024) who have had at least one year of dance classes are eligible to audi-tion. Members take two ballet, one tap and one petite technique class a week, plus two, 1.5 to 2 hour rehearsals a week. Tuition is $320 a month for those in Bal-let 2 and $350 for those in Ballet 3. Petites may also choose one elective class except Aerial Silks. Extra classes are $50 a month. If selected to be in small group, add $65 a month.
Junior Company– Dancers age 10 through 12 (by January 1, 2024) who have taken two years of dance classes are eligible to audi-tion. Junior Company takes two ballet, one contemporary, one tap, one junior technique class a week, plus at least two rehearsals a week. There are two tracks for Junior Company: Competition or Convention. They have the same weekly requirements (other than rehearsals) but Competition team only competes at dance competitions whereas Conven-tion team competes at dance competitions that include a two day convention. Placement in the competition or convention team is based on the dancer’s preference as well as their audi-tion. Tuition is $375 month for the competition team and $400 a month for convention team. Ex-tra classes are $50 a month for a one hour and $90 for a 1.5 hour.
Teen Company—Dancers age 13 through 15 (as of January 1, 2023) with at least three years of dance experience are eligible to audi-tion. Teen Company also has two tracks, Competition and Conven-tion, but the requirements differ. Competition team is designed to allow dancers the freedom to participate in school dance team if desired. It requires one ballet, one jazz, and one contemporary a week, plus two rehearsals a week. Convention team has two ballet, one contemporary, and one jazz class, plus two weekly rehearsals. Neither team is re-quired to take tap. Cost is $275 a month for Teen Competition team and $375 a month for Teen Convention team. Add $50 for each extra one hour class and $90 for each extra 1.5 hour class.
Senior Company–Dancers age 15 and up (as of January 1, 2024) with at least three years of dance classes. This team has the same requirements as Teen Conven-tion. It is a Convention only tract for the 2023-24 season. Cost is $375 a month for Senior Convention.
There is no sibling discount for company members in the same family.

Audition Information
One Beat Auditions are held in May and June, by private appointment, or by video submission. The 2022 auditions are on Saturday May 21, and Sunday, June 12. The cost is $10 a person to be paid at the time of audition.
Time are as follows:
12:00-1:00 p.m.—Ages 5 and 6
1:15-2:15—Ages 7 and 8
2:30-3:30—Ages 9 through 12
3:45-4:45—Ages 13 and up
For audition, dancers should wear a leo-tard or dance top with lycra shorts or leg-gings. Hair should be in a pony tail or bun. Boys should wear black pants or shorts and a T shirt. You may audition in jazz shoes or bare feet.
Dancers will be taught contemporary and jazz combinations to do across the floor. Parents and dancers will also be asked to complete a questionnaire.
Those who try out should not be discour-aged if they are not accepted. It just means you aren’t ready yet! Keep working! The directors are highly selective so as to maintain the integrity of the current teams.
They will be looking for dancers who demonstrate that they are able to work very hard, take corrections well, and un-derstand and accept the concept of team-work. Please RSVP for auditions at with danc-er’s name and birthdate, number of years dancing and name of studio(s), parents name and cell phone number. Please state which audition date you will be attending or if you are request-ing a private audition which is $25. Vid-eo submissions in lieu of live auditions should be of a solo performance.
Results will be emailed to you no later than June 30. If you are accepted and you decide to join One Beat, you will need to sign a contract and make your first compa-ny payment of $750 by June 27, 2022. De-posit is $250 for Mini Company. This pay-ment is non refundable to ensure your commitment. It will be applied to your company installment, however. See page 1 for tuition costs and class requirements.
Contracts are 12 months in length, begin-ning with summer requirements. Member-ship is reevaluated each year based on the student’s growth, contribution to the team in the form of his or her commitment, par-ticipation, integrity, and mature, respect-ful, interactions with fellow members, teachers, and the director.
If you accepted onto a team, do not make any travel plans or commitments for August or on weekends in September (including Labor Day until further no-tice) and October as this time must be left open to schedule choreography! As soon as choreography has been scheduled, all unnecessary reserved weekends will be removed from the tentative schedule.
One Beat members are required to take summer classes to maintain their tech-nique. The requirements and prices are as follows:
Teen Conv.– 14 classes: 4 Ballet, 4 Jazz, 4 Contemporary, 2 free choice (one hour classes only) – $325
Teen Comp – 10 classes: 4 ballet, 2 con-temporary, 2 jazz, 2 free choice (one hour classes only) – $250
Juniors – 14 classes : 4 ballet, 4 Jazz, 2 Contemporary, 2 Tap, and 2 free choice (one hour classes only) – $325
Petites – 14 classes: 4 ballet, 2 Jazz, 2 Contemporary, 2 Tap, and 2 free choices (one hour classes only) – $295
Minis – 10 classes: 5 mini Technique, 5 ballet/tap, ballet/jazz or beginner ballet, tap, jazz or contemporary – $200
Company members may take additional 1 hr. classes for $15 each and additional 90 min. ballet classes for $22 each. Use pro-mo codes One Beat 60 and One Beat 90 to enroll in extra classes.
Please ONLY sign up for classes at your child’s current level or based on the rec-ommendation of company directors.
We are only allowing 12 company students per class this summer in order to even out numbers across the weeks, so please en-roll early if certain weeks are essential due to other scheduled activities.
Company members must be fully signed up for summer classes by June 1. Full pay-ment is due May 24, 2023. As soon as you have made payment, you will be able se-lect classes using the credit available in your account. You will not need a promo code for this process.
On a weekly basis, we will assess enroll-ment in each class and cancel those with fewer than three students enrolled. If your child’s class is cancelled due to low enroll-ment, they can select another from the schedule to make it up.
Otherwise, no make up classes are allowed in the summer and there are no refunds for missed classes. If your child misses a class, there are no refunds. Please do not call the front desk to change your child’s schedule! Exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis.