Dance Du Coeur’s 10th Heartbeats Recital is Sunday, June 6, 2021!
Every student is a star on recital day and we are excited for their chance to shine on stage!
2021 marks Dance Du Coeur’s ten year anniversary and the Heartbeats Recital is the perfect way for us to celebrate our love of dance! Parents, family and friends are invited to share in their dancer’s big moment on Sunday, June 6, at the Stafford Centre when each class will showcase the dance they have been practicing for the past several weeks.
There will be three different shows at the following show times: 10:30am, 1:30pm, and 4:30pm, plus a company show at 7:30pm. The company show is a great opportunity to see our competition teams in case your child is interested in auditioning.
See the showtime for your child’s class:
The Stafford Centre is located at 10505 Cash Rd., Stafford, TX. 77477.
Dress rehearsal for ALL DANCERS will be held on Friday, May 21, also at the Stafford Centre. Download the dress rehearsal arrival and performance times for each class.:
Tickets & Seating:
- Ticket sales will be IN PERSON this year due to the Stafford Centre’s COVID-19 requirements. Recital Tickets will be sold in the back parking lot at Dance du Coeur on May 15, 2021 from 9:00AM-3:00PM. Show 3 ticket sales will begin at 7:00am, Show 2 tickets sales will begin at 9:00am, and Show 1 ticket sales will begin at 11:00am. We will be selling tickets until 3:00pm on May 15th. Please check the showtime for your child’s class before coming to buy your tickets. We are not taking cash! We prefer to draft accounts but will take personal checks. After May 15th, tickets may be purchased in the studio during our regular office hours (Monday-Friday from 3:00-8:00PM and Saturdays from 9:00AM-12:00PM). Tickets will be sold on a first come, first serve basis, and all seating is ASSIGNED, so if you want your group to sit together, you need to purchase all tickets at once. The Stafford Centre is at limited capacity with blocked seating. Due to these social distancing policies, we cannot guarantee that your entire party will be able to sit in the same section, but we will be sure to accommodate all of our families as best we can.
- THERE WILL BE NO CODES FOR COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS as there are no complimentary tickets this year. The recital fee has been reduced to offset the cost of purchasing tickets. Maximum number of tickets for any family is 12.
- All tickets are $15 each. Children under the age of three can sit in your lap, if you wish, and you won’t have to buy a seat for them.
- Any unsold tickets will be available for purchase on the day of recital, at the Stafford Centre for $20 each.
- Doors for audience members will open 45 minutes prior to each show time.
- Volunteers do not need to purchase a ticket for themselves (you will be notified if chosen to be a parent volunteer). Children under 3yrs who sit on an adult’s do not need a ticket.
COVID-19 Protocols:
- Dancers will NOT be required to wear masks while performing on stage. However, all dancers will be required to wear masks while backstage in the waiting rooms and lobby areas while entering and exiting the building.
- Dancers who would like to wear a mask while performing are welcome to. Skin-tone masks are required for those who wish to wear a mask during the performance. You may purchase skin-tone masks here.
- All audience members are required to wear masks in the lobby areas and while entering and exiting the auditorium. Masks will not be required by audience members while seated.
- The Stafford Centre has put limited capacities on their dressing room and suite areas so that social distancing may be practiced while dancers are waiting to perform. Volunteers have been selected for all classes and they will be monitoring the children in the dressing room and backstage.
Other Information:
- Nesossi Studios will be present at the dress rehearsal to take individual photos for those who wish to purchase photos. No organized group photos will be taken.
- NO video taping or flash photography during the recital performance!
- Thumb drives are available to order for $45.
- We aren’t selling roses this year! Please be sure to bring a bouquet for your dancer!
- Video thumb drives and Nesossi pictures will be available for pick up within about a month
Questions can be emailed to us at
– Summer dance calendar
– Summer intensive 2021 for dance/drill season
– Summer Dance Camps 2021
– Summer dance boot camp